Hg5 Amalgam Separator FAQs
Q: How do I order an amalgam separator or replacement container?
A: You can order a new container from Arch Technochem, Inc. All three amalgam separators in the Hg5 series require the same replacement container.
Part numbers are as follows:
- HG5-001 Hg5 Amalgam Separator
- HG5-MINI Hg5 MINI Amalgam Separator
- HG5HV-001 Hg5 High Volume Amalgam Separator
- HG5-002 Replacement Container (without recycling)
- HG5-002CR Replacement Container with Recycling
- Hg5-002R Recycle Kit (does not include a new container)
Q: What if I neglected to change my container and now there is water/sediment in the top chamber?
A: First and foremost, you should put a new collection container on the system as soon as possible. After that, depending on the level and volume of the material in the top chamber, you have a few options that can help clear the top chamber.
Low level of material:
1. Leave suction ON.
2. While holding the collection container in place, remove the 2 pins that attach the container to the top chamber.
3.Slowly pull down on the collection container to break the seal between the top and bottom container. As soon as air gets inside the top chamber you should see the contents start to agitate. Allow the material to agitate for 30 seconds or so, then put the container back into place and secure with the pins. The material in the top should start to flow to the bottom container almost immediately. (Sometimes this procedure is required to be done a few times before all the top contents have moved to the bottom.)
Medium/High level of material:
1.Try the above process first. If that doesn’t work, you should call a service technician to try and help you clear the top. Keep in mind, the waste collected the top chamber Should be recycled, just like the collection container. So if your service technician manages to get all the waste out of the top and into bucket, that bucket should be sent off to a mercury recycler.
2.If emptying the top chamber into a bucket is not an option, you can purchase a new top from your dental supplier. The part number for that item is HG5-AWSEP. Please keep in mind that the full top chamber you are replacing still needs to be sent to a certified mercury recycler.
Q: What is the rate of removal and flow rate for my amalgam separator?
A: HG5-001 – rate of removal is 99.02% and the flow rate is 1 liter per minute.
HG5-MINI – rate of removal is 99.36% and flow rate is 500 ml per minute.
HG5HV-001 rate of removal is 98.5% and flow rate is 1 liter per minute.
Q: What is the difference between the Hg5, the Hg5 MINI and the Hg5 High Volume?
A: The Hg5 system is designed to handle between 1-10 chairs. The inlet and outlet measure 1 ½” and it can be installed on the floor or wall mounted.
The Hg5 MINI is designed to handle 1-4 chairs, has ¾” inlet and outlet, and was originally intended to be installed under a counter or lab sink. But the MINI also be wall mounted or stand on the floor. The MINI is 7.5” shorter than the standard Hg5. The Hg5 High Volume is a system designed to handle 11-20 chairs. The High Volume can only be wall mounted and it has 3” inlet and outlet. This system has containers that need replacing. It is important to know that all of our systems, the Hg5, MINI and High Volume, use the same replacement container.
Q: What if I have a portable vacuum? Can an amalgam separator be installed on the cart?
A: Unfortunately, portable vacuums are not designed the handle the size and weight associated with most amalgam separators on the market. However, a separator could be placed in/next to a sink, and the contents of the portable vacuum could be poured into the inlet of the separator, with a hose or tube leading outlet of the separator to the sink. This would require gravity to do the work, instead of suction, but over time it would still allow the material to settle and the separator to do its job. With the proper shut off valve, the amalgam separator could be taken off the sink and placed in storage until the next time it is needed.
Q: I don’t have central suction. Can one of the Hg5 separators work for me?
A: If you currently don’t have central suction, and work off a Venturi system, unfortunately our line of Hg5 separators would not accommodate your system. The Hg5®is designed to provide years of trouble-free service, with minimal attention. In the unlikely event of system related problems, please consult the troubleshooting and maintenance chart in your Hg5 manual, or call SolmeteX® for assistance.
Low vacuum at the hand piece
If the vacuum gauge reads normally but there is little or no vacuum to the hand piece, there is probably a clog or a leak between the hand piece and the Hg5®If the vacuum gauge reads lower than normal these are the possible causes:
Did you just replace the collection container?
Check installation of the new collection container. If the vacuum is low there is a possibility that the o-rings on the collection container did not seal into the receivers. Remove the collection container, check the o-rings and re-install per the collection container installation procedure.
1. Check solid collection cup(s) - Clean or replace element/screen if necessary.
2. Check operation of the vacuum pump.
3. Listen for vacuum leaks.
4. Check all connections for breaks or cracks.
5. Check all flexible hose for kinks, breaks, or loose clamps.